Safe from Past (Blitz)

( #blitz #poem #poetry #safe #past #BradyLB )

Safe from Past 
Stay at home 
Stay safe 

Safe and true 
Safe from illness

Illness sucks 
Illness comes 

Comes the time 
Comes the ending 

Ending jobs 
Ending income 

Income buys 
Income brings fun 

Fun with family 
Fun with games 

Games for me 
Games for you 

You are mine 
You are smart 

Smart devices 
Smart phones 

Phones waste time 
Phones burn eyes 

Eyes of blue 
Eyes of gold 

Gold apple 
Gold rings 

Rings on finger 
Rings around a planet 

Planet Jupiter 
Planet Earth 

Earth is where we live 
Earth and water 

Water is cold 
Water brings life 

Life is around us 
Life and Death 

Death is sad 
Death comes to all 

All are here 
All are there 

There is some art 
There are writings 

 Writings bring poems 
Writings bring knowledge 

Knowledge of the future 
Knowledge of the Past 

Past dance 
Past life 


©2020 Brady L.B.
