
Showing posts from May, 2014

Morning Pondering

As I sit here thinking to myself.  What could possess me to get up this early?  Do I really need all the bells and trinkets that I have become accustomed too?  If I were to choose a simpler life would I be happier.  All I am doing now is spending more and more time away from those that I love.  Too what end do I do this.  To get a better TV?  To get approval from those who do not really know me?  To get faster internet, so I can see more of things that don't make me happy? Maybe I should stop all this nonsense and go to what really matters.  What really counts.  Go to a simpler life.

To Win A Million

To win a million would be great Out of the work force gate Without it we would survive In the group we could dive Never needing to strive Another day Many have faltered with this great blessing Independent of how they are dressing Little by little it can be wasted Long boat do not need to be basted If we could prepare for the future Others we could help also for the future Now we might succumb to the green eyed creature ©2014 Brady L.B.


Fair is the day that you help And tease the kelp Together we do great things Helping those dingalings Earth cannot stop our projects Respect is given to our rejects ©2014 Brady L.B.


Giving hold were you want Loosing hold over time Useful in projects even in a rant Equipment may have this applied over time. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Mostly you start the work week Offering little to those who work New is the day I don't seek Doing the commute to work Again you have come Yesterday have you succumb. ©2014 Brady L.B.

Mother's Day

Most of us would be lost without you Other days you offer a special cove Thou do the best that you can do Homes are filled with your love Everyone knows who Relieves a hurt glove So caused by a booboo Days like this Are to celebrate the bliss You bring to us. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Phases come and phases go How else would we know so Often we talk long into the night Never wondering what it would be with sight Even when we are very bright. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Doing what naturally comes And enjoying it for so long Nothing bring so much joy too all sums Chances you will like to play bongs Even when you are alone or acting like bums. Do not hold back what is inside Act out your inner child Never quit to just sit by the side Chances you will be able to do it in a field Every day you want to slide. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Many think I am the root of evil On the contrary the love of me is evil Never do I have real value Everyone agrees that I have a value Yes, it is true evil would still exist without me Many have loved what I represent Oppression is not what I vent Now improving free trade is what I represent Every time I am used You have won or lost without being fused. My presence does not control you O the use of me does not abuse you Need of me is not there Everyone uses me to get what they care Yes, it is you who controls what I am. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Start to go forward To see that you are not a coward Especially when you need Patience in your deed. See all that you can accomplish Together you can abolish Everything that blocks your way Pushing what you can say. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Participant at getting things done Responding to crisis and wraps them in a bun Outstanding in all before becoming gone Price at doing well Requires you to swell Over things within the ring of a bell. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Dear to our hearts Reverberate our desire carts. Embraced in secret Among so many regrets May we fly So high before we die. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Priority needs to come for some Especially when writing may come. No gravity is needed to operate Chilling tho it may be to cooperate. Independent of who controls Living until the lead ends its patrols. ©2014 Brady L.B.

Comic Book

Coming from the minds of artists Out to the open for realists My favorites are here In line with those there Chancing to find dreams to care Bringing reading to all ages Often see by sages Often passed around Kept all so sound. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Showing off more than normal With objectives to look less formal. In to the water we go Most of us would want to do so. Sunshine helps us to standout Under an umbrella that is not so stout. In the end we get washed To get out the sand that we squashed. ©2014 Brady L.B.

Red Line

Red lines are set forth as a ranger Even in the face of danger Do not cross this act Lives the citizens hoping If their president were not flopping Never enforcing his stance Ever with the red line prance. ©2014 Brady L.B.


Who is always howling Often to gain attention from brawling Leaving other animals little left to eat For it always is looking for meat. ©2014 Brady L.B.