
Showing posts from January, 2014


Have you ever watch those advertisement that are trying to get you to buy gold. They say that it is a hedge against inflation.  It is a sure thing.  It will protect you when the markets crash. What if the markets did crash?  Would gold be worth anything?  Some would say yes and some would say no.  Think of a world were the markets did crash and gold is worth nothing.  How would you survive?  Where would you get your food and water?  How would you cook your food?  Would it be safe for you to go outside?  How would you stay warm at night?  How would you protect your family when someone is trying to hurt them? Is there something that would retain its value or go up in any situation?  I would say there are a few things.  When everything has lost its value, what do you still need to survive?  Food?  Water?  A place to stay warm? What I would suggest to prepare for times of uncertainty is food ...

Minimum Wage

In the State of the Union address President Obama talked about raising the minimum wage to $10.10/hr.  He also talked about small businesses that have already raised their employee's wages to above $10/hr. What I think is funny is that Obama thinks that these are examples of why we should raise the minimum wage.  In contrast it is an example of why we should not do it.  These businesses raised their employee's wages because they wanted a better employee than minimum wage would offer them.  By raising the minimum wage to or above what small employers have raised their employee's wages to, would only put those businesses back to the minimum wage category and they would once again have minimum wage quality type employees working for them.  There would be no incentive for a good worker to choose them over a different minimum wage job. I think we should stop knocking down the little guy or the small business owner when they finally have a foot hold to get ah...


One thing they say is to write about nothing when you cannot think of what to write about.  The problem with nothing is that it is something.  You may think you are writing about nothing, but is actually something. I guess it would be best instead of writing about nothing, to write about something.  It can be something you are looking at.  It can be what is currently going on in the world.  It can also be a discussion about nothing is really something. ©2014 Brady Burgener

Stay at Home Mother one of the Most Important Jobs

This is a shot out for those ever important stay at home mothers. A stay at home mother expends all of her energy into rearing our future leads and worker.  If you ever wonder what a stay at home mother really earns let's look at it from an hourly wage point of view. If the stay at home mother provides the service of a fast food worker (FastFood Mom), then the wages would be that listed below.  Such as putting the kids in front of the TV or all the meals are store pre-made or other such services. Wage per hour | $7.25(minimum wage) Working hours | 24-8 = 16 hour/day or 112 hour/day or 40 regular hours and 72 overtime hours a week Wages | $1,073/week or $55,796/year If the stay at home mother provides the service of a hard worker (Good Mom), then the wages would be that listed below.  Such as playing with the kids or providing homemade nutritious meals or other such services. Wage per hour | $15/hour Working hours | 24-8 = 16 hour/day or 11...

The New Year

Welcome to the new year. A few weeks have passed after the first day of the year.  Most people made new years resolutions at the beginning of the year.  Lets see how we have done.  Ask your self, Have I kept my resolutions so far or have I let them go by the way side like the years before?  What I have seen is some resolutions have been forgotten and politics have gotten worse.  Another question we need to ask ourselves is, If we are not going to keep our new years resolutions more than a month, then why do we make them at all?  The truth is that we need to get back on them, even if for a moment we have forgotten them.