Stay at Home Mother one of the Most Important Jobs

This is a shot out for those ever important stay at home mothers.

A stay at home mother expends all of her energy into rearing our future leads and worker.  If you ever wonder what a stay at home mother really earns let's look at it from an hourly wage point of view.

If the stay at home mother provides the service of a fast food worker (FastFood Mom), then the wages would be that listed below.  Such as putting the kids in front of the TV or all the meals are store pre-made or other such services.
  • Wage per hour | $7.25(minimum wage)
  • Working hours | 24-8 = 16 hour/day or 112 hour/day or 40 regular hours and 72 overtime hours a week
  • Wages | $1,073/week or $55,796/year
If the stay at home mother provides the service of a hard worker (Good Mom), then the wages would be that listed below.  Such as playing with the kids or providing homemade nutritious meals or other such services.
  • Wage per hour | $15/hour
  • Working hours | 24-8 = 16 hour/day or 112 hour/day or 40 regular hours and 72 overtime hours a week
  • Wages | $2,220/week or $115,440/year 
If the stay at home mother provides the service of an unbelievable worker (Out of this world Mom), then the wages would be that listed below.  Such as playing games with kids that help them learn or providing gourmet homemade nutritious meals or people wonder how she does all that she does or other such services.
  • Wage per hour | $30+/hour
  • Working hours | 24-8 = 16 hour/day or 112 hour/day or 40 regular hours and 72 overtime hours a week
  • Wages | $4,440+/week or $230,880+/year
Let's say that a stay at home mother wants to get another job while her kid(s) are at school.  This is fine, but we then must think of how that would affect the value of her at home mother job.  If the mother is able to leave her other job at a moment's notice to take care of the kid(s), then there would be no reduction to the above assumed wages assuming their quality does not decrease.

If she is not able to leave her job at a moment's notice to take care of the kid(s) and she is working 40 hours a week, then the adjusted assumed wages are below.

New wages if other job is 40 hours/week
  • FastFood Mom | $638/week or $33,176/year plus wages of other job
  • Good Mom | $1,320/week or $68,640/year plus wages of other job
  • Out of this world Mom | $2,640+/week or $137,280+/year plus wages of other job
