The Adventures of an Average Life
©2014 Brady L.B. Every day we get up in the morning to live our lives. We all go to work, pay our bills, eat the same food, and so forth. Our days come and go without real excitement and change to the world. What if we changed all that? What would happen if we changed everyday tasks into adventures? Would we be happier? We life seem more sweet? Would we be less envious of other peoples Facebook lives? Would we be able to get more done in a single day or even in the hour? Would we be able to live our dreams instead fulfilling another's dream? We should find out. We should explore the possibility. We should find our dreams and live. ---- Average Life I am Average. I get up every morning before the sun get up, to go to my office job in town. I have done nothing interesting most of my life. You may ask how can I stand do these things day in and day out. I am going to tell you how ...