Alpha Grillers Digital Meat Thermometer Review

A photo posted by Brady (@burgener2006) on

Alpha Grillers - Instant Read Thermometer - Enjoy Perfectly Cooked Food Everytime - All Thermometers Include a Meat Temperature Chart - Lifetime Guarantee
Offered by Alpha Grillers
I really like this digital thermometer.  The thermometer rod rotates up and down.  When the thermometer rod is rotated to the down position the digital reader turns off.  When you rotate the thermometer rod from the down position the digital reader turns on.

I have mainly used this thermometer to read the temperature of soups, water, and like cooking activities.  I have not used it to measure the temperature of meat at this point.  For the activities I have used it for it has been quick and reliable.

On the reader it has the following buttons:

I received this product for free in-exchange for a fair and honest review.
