
Showing posts from June, 2016

6-30-2016 Random Word Challenge

( #hippo #rattle #serum #contagious #vulture #periodic #random #word #challenge ) Random Word Challenge At times it can be fun to see what you can do with a random set of words. So every now and then I will get a few random words and see what I can do with them. I challenge you to try to make up a little story (100 - 400 words) with the following random words. You can look at what I came up with before you start, but I would encourage you to try your own little story before looking at mine. Random Words: hippo, rattle, serum, contagious, vulture, periodic My attempt at these words: The Hippos Love  The silence of the morning was breaking as the rattle of young animals joined in a chorus of the day. Many acting as if they had taken the Serum of Love moments ago. One particular hippo was drunk on the Serum of Love. His motions and actions were without propriety. The female hippos were giving him a wide berth so they would not get caught in his keen net. One ...

LLC QuickStart Guide Review

#ClydeBankLLC #review #LLC #quickstart Guide  LLC QuickStart Guide Review by ClydeBank Business ISBN-13: 978-0996366762 First off I would like to say, I would rename this book to "To start a LLC - Get a lawyer" This book has a lot of good information in one place and provides places to find out more information about some of the topics covered. The chapters that I found most useful were chapters 1 through 4. I personally think that it should be a little more in depth to be considered a quick start guide. The biggest complaint that I have for this how often it tells you to get a lawyer. It starts out with a section called "Do I Need a Lawyer?" It does not end there, it continues to tell you to get a lawyer throughout the book. actual size of the book (59 pages)...

6-15-2016 Random Word Challenge

( #bible #liquid #promise #democratic #disobey #condemn #random #word #challenge #dystopian ) Random Word Challenge "I promise!" The crowds yell could be heard for miles around. Every day all are required to gather in front of the towns Promise Screen and participate in the promise ceremony. It starts out with a reading of the oath that all must agree with. It is followed by the "I promise" yell and a review of recent punishments carried out for those who were condemned for not following the oath. These promises happen to remind the people of the New World Democratic Order (NWDO) rules and to condemn any who would think to disobey. In today's list of oath breakers was a young man, named Thomas, who had a hidden copy of the Christian bible. In the promise, all agree to destroy all religious texted that existed before the NWDO was organized. The claim is that all religions are based on bigotry and to have a copy of a religious text proves that you are hold...

Grumpy Old Wizards book review

#GrumpyOldWizards #Book  Grumpy Old Wizards (Grumpy Old Wizards Series) (Volume 1) byJohn O'Riley Has potential. Grumpy Old Wizards has many good parts. I Think that the characters of the book were sufficiently developed. In my opinion, Morgan and Riley were the grumpy characters of the story. Josephine, Helen, and Alice acted more like spoiled children. That being said other people may see Josephine, Helen, and Alice as grumpy vs. spoiled children. The story has a good structure. I liked the mystery that the book develops, but it ends abruptly and should have more ending development. The back story gets developed throughout the book, but it needs a little more on why the back story is important. Some problems with the story 1. If Josephine is to be the heroine of the book, I think that she should take a more major role in defeat...