Essential Microfiber Hair Towel Review

I like microfiber towel because they provide great cleaning/drying abilities while providing minimal weight for the towel.
I measured the dimensions of the towel that I received and got: 19 inches by 38.5 inches.

I gave this product to my wife to try out and this is what she has to say about it:
"This towel is handy cute device.  It dries my hair just about the same as a regular bath towel worn turban style without all the extra bulk and need for balance on one's head.  Just so you know my hair is considered both fine and medium length."
"This towel would not work very well for those with long hair."

The towel came with a card that indicated that I could get a free hand towel if I followed its instruction.  I followed the instructions and have not received the hand towel.  It has been two week from the time I completed the instructions and the time I am writing this section of the review.

I received this product for free in-exchange for a fair and honest review.
