Stong Citrus Press Review

A photo posted by Brady (@burgener2006) on

Sold by: UsefulBitz

Every now and then I need to squeeze a little juice from an orange or lemon or lime.  Oranges I use to make orange chicken sauce and lemon/lime juice is used in many different recipes.  To get this juice there are three ways of doing it: use juice from the store; squeeze the juice from the fruit using your hand and a spoon (to collect the seeds); or use a juicer (press or electric)

Kitchen Bitz provides a nice citrus press for lemons, limes, or small oranges.  This press removes the juice from your citrus fruits with ease.  It keeps the seeds and large solids in the press, while letting your juice to flow through the holes in the bottom.  This product is made of painted metal.

I received this product for free in-exchange for a fair and honest review.

