Fine art paint brush review

Sold by: TCP Global Corp

This paintbrush set comes with 7 soft nylon bristles. The nylon bristles provide nice smooth distribution of paint.

The handles are just the right size to hold in one hand without too much handle hanging out either side of your hand. I find that these shorter handles provide better control when you want to hold the paintbrush close to the head. The handle is painted with a deep red. I personally like wood colored paint brush handles, but colored handles work just fine.

The brushes contained in the packet did not match what was indicated as coming in the packet (two of the brushes were different).

Size of paint brushes indicated that comes in the packet:
flat shader size #2,flat shader size #6,round size #2,round size #4,liner size #2/0,flat angular shader 1/4",wash 3/4"

Size of paint brushes that came in my packet (based on the number on the paintbrush and shape of the brush head):
flat size #2,flat size #6,round size #1,bright size #2,liner size #2/0,flat angular shader 1/4",flat (wash) 3/4"

I received this product for free in-exchange for a fair and honest review.

